Judy was my beautiful April 2022 bride. She reached out to me for my naturally enhanced style of makeup, she told me I want to look natural but flawless with it clear that it is a special occasion.
Judy’s wedding day would start early with the drive to Elmore Court and makeup beginning at 7AM. The morning started off in typical spring weather fashion; beautiful slightly warm and sunny day perfect for a wedding.
I arrived with Lizz Davies who did hair. We got everyone ready with enough time for bride and bridal party who were different races to get dress and have some shots done before the ceremony.
The Look
Judy’s requested a natural but flawless look. Her wedding day look consisted of a soft golden tones with a natural of color on her lips.It was perfect! Her wedding colours were white, and blush pinks. Once I completed her wedding day look. Her hair was perfectly styled into such a beautiful bridal hair style by Lizz Davies Her wedding day look was the perfect complement to the overall feel and look of the wedding.
Everything just flowed together nicely, from her hair to her makeup and wedding gown. You can see how her look came together here.
Are you a bride to be that wears little to no makeup? You want to look like you without heavy cakey makeup, then get in touch with me if you’re looking a bridal makeup artist that has a natural or soft glam makeup style. Im London based and cover surrounding areas.